Our Mission & Vision
The mission of Open Gate Church is to love God, to love others, and to magnify the name of Jesus Christ. The vision of our church is to glorify our God and Savior, Jesus Christ, to make true disciples throughout all the nations by means of missionary activity and support, to minister the ordinances, to edify believers, and to do all that is sovereignly possible and biblically permissible to magnify the name of Jesus.
Our leadership team recognizes the authority of God, and realizes that we are shepherds who serve under the Chief Shepherd, Jesus Christ. We desire to devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the Word. Our passion and goal is to equip the believers for the work of the ministry until we all attain maturity in the fullness of Christ.
Pastor Roy Leavitt, Senior Pastor
Pastor Roy’s heart is for true covenant relationships and divine alliances within the body of Christ that will reveal the kingdom of Heaven on earth. His desire is to see sincere relationships that will reflect the depths of love that the Father has for the Son, that Jesus has for His bride, walking in humility, empowered through abandoned hearts dependent fully upon Holy Spirit. His heart is for holy and heavenly friendships that walk together, knitting their hearts with this intentional purpose, in true covenant love.
Pastor Roy wants to see covenant relationships that are founded upon honor, truth, servant hood and commitment with the ones God brings into our lives as precious gifts, to walk together in this journey of loving and serving Him. He believes this is the true foundation for an apostolic, governmental people to arise in this crucial hour.
He believes this is the hour that God is calling us higher and deeper into the realm of holy encounters with the Lord. It is the hour of visitation, for the transformation of our lives, that we would walk with His divine nature deposited within our spirit – Christ in us the hope of glory! That visitation would lead us further into the reality of being carriers of His Glory, a place where He abides!
In 2004 he planted Higher Grounds Christian Fellowship, a non-denominational ICLC Church, in Minot, ND and serves as their Pastor. In 2013 the church merged with another church body in Minot and became “Open Gate Church”. He encourages believers to walk in their gifting and has ministered God’s heart of renewal internationally and in the United States. Pastor Roy’s heart is for unity in the Body of Christ and to see the gospel message brought to every tribe, every tongue and into every nation. To see a worldwide penetration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Pastor Roy is ordained by I.C.L.C. Network, Shawnee, OK, Apostle Sam Matthews.
Open Gate Church Elders
Jason Blowers
Jacci Culver